Cancellation conditions according to ÖHVB
Cancellation without cancellation fee:
No later than three months before the agreed arrival date of the guest, both contracting parties, both guest and accommodation company, without payment of a cancellation fee to solve the accommodation contract.
Please note: The cancellation must be received by the contractual partner within the deadline.
If the guest does not appear until 6:00 pm on the agreed arrival day and no later arrival time has been agreed, the hotelier has the right to withdraw from the contract. But if the guest made a down payment, the room should be reserved at the latest 12 o'clock of the following day.
Cancellation with cancellation fee
At the latest one month before the agreed date of arrival of the guest both contracting parties can withdraw from the contract. In this case, however, a cancellation fee in the amount of the room rate for three days is payable.
Note: Again, the cancellation must be received by the contractor within the period.
Even if the guest does not use the rooms ordered or the pension, he is nevertheless obliged to pay the fee. The hotelier must deduct, however, what he has saved by not using them (which is usually 20% for the room price and 30% for the price of the pension) or what he has received through the subletting.
Note: There is the so-called loss mitigation obligation. The hotelier has to strive for a different rental of unused spaces.
About legal disputes decides the factual and local competent court for the tourist accommodation. Exception: If the guest has his place of employment or his place of residence in Austria, then the courts competent for these places are to be called.